Industry Tie-ups & Placements
This Training phase forms the core part of the program in which activities pertaining to actual training of the candidates are undertaken. A brief description of the activities in this phase is as follows:
Induction of Candidates;
All Selected candidates are made to undergo a one-week induction module. This module are conducted for all candidates together irrespective of their courses. Induction module consists of several informal games, group exercises, presentations and interactive sessions.
The main objective of Induction module are integrated the candidates with the program and help them to gain confidence and start opening up to have a broad attitude during the training. The candidates also come to better know each other and the trainers for the courses.
Training of Candidates;
Each training course is designed for duration of around 3 to 5 months. Each course has a specifically designed curriculum as per the local demands. Training contents focuses equally on technical skills, life skills, and personality development. Curriculum for each course ensures appropriate balance between the theoretical and practical inputs to candidates. Besides there is a significant component for exposure and on the job training for all candidates. Irrespective of the courses all candidates would have to attend sessions pertaining to personality development and life skills, these include spoken English, communication skills, mannerisms, savings and financial management, awareness of local development issues, health and hygiene issues etc. The course contents not only ensures sustainable livelihood to candidates but also aims at bring about qualitative improvement in their standard of living.
Guest Lectures;
Potential employers and experts are invited regularly to give guest lecturers to the candidates. This not only help the candidates get a broader perspective and realities of the courses in which they are undergoing training, but also will act as an opportunity for direct interaction between potential employers and employees.
Exposure visits;
Exposure visits are organized for the candidates undergoing training to get an idea of possible places where they could be working in future, work demands and working conditions. This also provides an opportunity to the candidates to interact with the existing work force and have in-depth understanding of working culture.
Tracking individual performance;
Performance of individual are tracked regularly. Performance on all parameters pertaining to both course knowledge and personality would be monitored and the trainers would have to evolve action plans for each individual to help overcome the deficient areas and further enhance gained expertise. The performance route of each individual would be documented and would be one of the main indicators of performance of trainers themselves.
Liaison with Potential Employers;
Our placement team in coordination with management keeps on having liaison with potential employers of the country and aboard to have the organization vast opportunity of getting trained and certified candidates (under various skilling schemes) at its centres placed thereon.
On the Job Training / Apprenticeship;
On the job training (OJT) and apprenticeship is an integral component of the program. Depending upon the needs of program and trades thereto OJT and apprenticeship are managed at various places aligning candidate’s location.
Development of Candidate’s Profile and Inputs for Employment Readiness;
Candidates (trained and certified at our centres) are helped develop profile of their own in close coordination of experts (concerns the trades and disciplines) of ours which includes development of curriculum vitae, negotiation skills, presentation skills, mock test ect.
This set of activities includes post placement follow-up and support to candidates for sustainable employment, organized work force and course improvement. A brief description in this phase is follows:
Organizing Interviews and Placement Support;
This include preparations for listing number of trained candidates required, organizing interviews / campus recruitment and interactions, negotiations for pay packets and other emoluments etc.
Post-placement Follow-up for Additional Support to Candidates;
Post –Placement follow up use to get conducted on trimester basis towards enquiring about their experience and satisfaction pertains to job with current employer AND concurrently, We help (trained and certified at our Centres) candidates explore opportunities for higher studies if perusing for.
Employers Feedback for Improvement in Curriculum and Methodology;
We keep on inquiring from employers having to taking their written or oral feedback the level of perfection towards assignment in the employees trained and certified at our centres. This helps in continuous and prompt refinement of course content and developing the same to the level of meeting the market needs.
The project is totally demand driven. The courses will be designed to meet the objective of employment. Accordingly, following have been kept in view:
- A thorough feasibility report is essential for selection of training courses.
- Networking and relation with potential employer is required
- Participation of potential employer in the preparation of curriculum is essential
- The project is to ensure close interaction with the employer and get feedback on the performance and output of trained personnel engaged by them.
- Quality input trailer according employers requirement
- Desirability to locate similar other organization to enhance the employability potential
We have kept developed the trend Alumni Associations to act as an interface between trained & certified candidates and candidates undergoing training. Alumni experiences of success pertains to personal and professional developments are shared whereon in order to foster entrepreneurship development of trainees apart from above are used as resource of opportunity generation for placement of trained and certified candidates at our centre
- ‘We provide students with the opportunity to put theory into practice, in real life situations. It is simple to read about how to deal with situations but things rarely happen that simply in the field. Furthermore, it provides students with the opportunity to experience the job first hand, decide if they like it, if they are good at it and how they would change it. It produces a more rounded worker.
- “Acting as a sounding board for the learner as they learn about themselves, connect their practice to theory and compare/contrast their learning environment with their own working experiences”.
- “Students who take time to build relationships and networks whilst on placement can use these later for further research and placement opportunities”.
- “Supporting students to meet competences: to make sure that if there is a problem, they tell the learner early enough for them to act on it and improve practice”.
We have kept established placement support centre at district level to function in close coordination with headquarter and placement partners as well.
Entrepreneurship Support to trainees:
we use to promote eager for entrepreneurship development among trainees, trained and certified at our centres through various funding instruments of financing institutions in an attempt to enabling them to start ventures of their own;
- MSME: Udyami Mitra
- DIC and Employment exchange office.
- Rajiv Gandhi Udyami Mitra Yojana
- Microfinance Institutes
- Public/Private Sector Banks
Post training and placement tracking keeps on carrying out for an year towards providing better support to trainees trained and placed at/from our centres.