Vihaan Foundation is honored to be among Leading Partner of PMKVY Under the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (Govt. of India Enterprises) & various Skill Sector Councils as an authorized training partner under various trades in offering a Skilled\job oriented Training and Certification program
Skill and knowledge are the two driving forces of economic growth and social development for any country. Countries with higher level of skills fare better to cope with the challenges of emerging economies in the present day world.
In any country, youth is primarily the focus for any program for skill development. Our country is better placed in this regard. We have a vast majority of population in the productive age group. This provides a great opportunity to India. It also poses a great challenge. Benefits will flow to our economy only if our population, particularly the youth, is healthy, educated and properly skilled.
India with its an unrivalled youth demographic, is definitely poised for a big boost in terms of socio-economic development.